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This is our last Sporting Christmas update for the 2024 campaign, and it’s a good one.
Every dollar raised went to the Salvation Army for its Christmas hamper program, which is very badly needed here.
This is our last Sporting Christmas update for the 2024 campaign, and it’s a good one.
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Today’s donation list is long and wonderful to see. We had a processing delay on several contributions, which means some sent before Christmas are on today’s list.
The final total is just a shade under $95,000 and we’re very happy with that, especially given pre-Christmas postal challenges.
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Every dollar raised went to the Salvation Army for its Christmas hamper program, which is very badly needed here. We’re grateful for the work they do.
Joanne Paulson sends a donation, along with a reminder about why front-line work done by local groups is so important.
“I would like to honour those, like the Salvation Army, who are grappling with the rising homelessness and addiction problems in our city — which I have watched grow with sadness and horror,” writes Joanne. “Thank you so much for your service to our community.”
Andy and Joan Fusick also sent a generous donation our way, with this note:
“Once again,” they write, “we are happy to support this great fundraiser to help the more unfortunate families in our community have a brighter Christmas.”
Tim Gitzel, a long-time friend of Sporting Christmas, writes: “Lost my best buddy, Mike Leier, this year. Heartbreaking. Thinking of Jenni and the family this Christmas.”
Meanwhile, Donella Hoffman remembers Cam Fuller, the gifted StarPhoenix columnist and arts editor.
“Making a donation today in memory of my late husband, Cam Fuller, who left us on Dec. 19, 2018,” Donella writes in a note sent before Christmas. “We love and miss him very much. This time of year would see him being lead planner and head chef for our Christmas dinner and watching lots of football!”
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It was nice to hear again from Dare to Dance, who recently made a donation to our cause.
“Since then,” they tell us, “some more money has come in, so we are passing along … Thanks!!!”
Meanwhile, Rose Turner recently made an online donation, but pressed the “Anonymous” button accidentally, which happens. I am re-adding her donation to the list, with her name on it this time, though we won’t add it again to our total.
Thank you to Rose, and to everybody whose donations over the last few months are reflected on our final total. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated beyond words.
Thanks to today’s Santas:
Patricia Nixon: $100
John and Corrine Jacek: $100
Memory of Walter and Evelyn Boldt (Saskatoon) and John and Irene Driedger (Rosetown). From Milton and Elizabeth Boldt: $200
Memory of John Pederson. From his family: $100
Memory of John and Ron Deutscher from your family: $150
Memory of Brian Macpherson from Ann and Jack Rowley: $200
Thinking of family we have lost this past year as well as some very special members of our Hilltop family. Kris and Tom Sargeant: $50
L. McDonald: $60
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Andy and Joan Fusick: $5,000
Denis and Audrey, in memory of family and friends departed: $200
Memory of coach Allan Lutzko from Darrell Lutzko: $100
Memory of Cam Fuller from Donella Hoffman: $100
Memory of our grandparents: Galen, Sarah, Ysanne and Richard, from Richard Longpre: $200
Anonymous: $150
Honouring those, like the Salvation Army, who are grappling with rising homelessness and addiction problems in our city, from Joanne Paulson: $100
Memory of Ray Unruh from Vi Unruh: $60
Thinking of Jackie, Terry, and Gerry, Joe and Helen, from Miles and Joanne Sepos: $100
Loving memory of Ron Robinson from wife Patricia and all his family: $60
Dare to Dance: $60
Memory of Jack Morrell, Jack Drummond and Don Moser from Wendy Cebryk: $100
Ron Sekulich: $200
Memory of Larry Thome from The Sedgwicks: $150
Memory of Mike Leier and thinking of Jenni and the family this Christmas, from Tim Gitzel: $5,000
Memory of our parents, Joe and Viola Loendorf, Roman and Anne Lukan, who we think of often when we go to the Gordie Howe Sports Complex. From Mark Loehndorf: $100
Merry Christmas, everyone. May your hopes and dreams come true, from Bob and Heather Shoemaker: $100
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Pfefferle Law Puckers Hockey Club: $420
Anonymous: $60
Memory of Lyle Buettner: $60
Memory of our good friend and fellow Hilltop director Jeff Gould, from Murray and Rita Little: $100
Loving memory of my parents, Bill and Nettie Werbovetski, from Terry Werbovetski: $60
Memory of Bill Sharman and Jim Thompson, two fine shots and great coaches, from Stan Frost: $150
Anonymous: $100
Memory of Frank Garrity, a great fan of his children’s and grandchildren’s sports activities, from the Cardinal Schultz family: $75
Memory of brothers no longer with us, Dennis, Mervin and Les, from Lorne and Marie Gifford: $200
Merry Xmas from Melody: $75
Loving memory of Herman Syroishka from Zane Syroishka: $75
Anonymous: $100
Memory of Roy, Edna and Brian, from the Moore Family: $75
Remembering Mom again and Dad and my brother Neil, and all those players and coaches who are either ill or that have passed away from the 1980s/90s Clavet Hasbins Hockey Club and the Rainier, Alta. Little League baseball champs, 1969: $22
Memory of my husband and sister, both were avid sports fans and both had a very giving nature, from Ronda Duke: $200
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Memory of my parents Martin and Elaine West and two dear friends Peter Clark and Marilyn Walter, from Phyllis Wilson: $100
Memory of a good neighbour and hockey coach, Stan Lee, from the Cardinal Schultz family: $150
Al and Judy Roden: $200
Memory of our dear son, Robert Kenneth Morton 1977-2023 with love from your family: $1,000
In appreciation of my “very much alive” friend and long-time Blades volunteer, Connie Hessedorfer, from Rose Turner: $50
Today’s total: $15,962
FINAL TOTAL: $94,420.25
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